Cal Owen – “The Sublime And Ridiculous”

Based in Portsmouth and Reading, 21 year old Cal Owen is a master of all musical trades.  He plays guitar in alt-rock band Medison, plays acoustic guitar for the Don Ramos Players at their acoustic shows, plays drums in a new funk-rock band and also records, mixes and produces music for acts such as Dirty Sky Jones.  In between all of that, he finds the time from somewhere to record an ace acoustic four track EP of self penned songs.  And thank goodness that he did!

“The Sublime & Ridiculous” is an absorbing listen during which the 21 year old Owen displays staggering maturity in his songwriting.  He has a very English sounding and powerful voice which is put to the test during the restless crescendo of opening track “Madness”.  Despite being made up of solely voice and acoustic guitar, Owen successfully builds the track up in an intense yet subtle way before letting rip vocally at the last minute.  It’s pretty enthralling stuff.

“If I Ruled The World” is a touching ballad that flourishes in the minimalist arrangement and “Genius” isn’t quite as great as the title may lead some people to suggest but it does boast some intricate guitar playing and intriguing lyrics.

Closing track “All My Clothes Are On The Washing Line” brings with it a flurry of lush strings into the fray and takes Owen’s songwriting onto the next stage.  It is the most realised song here in terms of its potential and acts a nice teaser as to what will come next from a rounded talent.

(Hear tracks and my review of “The Sublime & Ridiculous” on Nick Tann’s “Is This Thing On?” podcast here.)

Paul Lane.

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